Home-made Cookies Perth

About Dinomite Cookie Co.

Love cookies? Me too! Let’s be friends.

I love baking and being in the kitchen, but my love for cookies came after my daughter’s 3rd birthday. I spent hours creating these massive dinosaur cookies, but the bit that got me hooked, was the finished product. This had me excited for what I could create next.

I started perfecting the recipe, working on techniques, and researching everything cookie related. Just like Jasmin when she was on that magic carpet with Aladdin, I discovered a WHOLE NEW WORLD!

So here is Dinomite Cookie Co. and a mum with a mixer, baking some cookies and watching your ideas come to life! Then eaten and enjoyed.

Much love, Amanda xx

Best Cookies Perth

It's Simple, We Love Cookies

The more the business has evolved, the more my passion for baking delicious, homemade cookies has grown.  My skill level and knowledge of baking has reached a level I never thought possible and continues to grow.  I just Love making Cookies (and eating them too!) as does my daughter, my favourite helper.

We make all types of cookies, from personilised cookies, seasonal cookies, cookie cakes and even gluten free cookies.  I am also very open to special requests and suggestions.  Follow us on Instagram to keep up with the latest on our cookies. 

dinomite cookies